Archive for October, 2008
My love for Supernatural is well documented in Paradise Syndrome, where my alter ego deems it to be the best show evah. In truth I can objectively say it is not the best show on TV. Sometimes I find myself irritated with the writing and the whole mytharc and sometimes I feel a certain amount […]
Stargate / SG1 / Atlantis / Best characters evah!
When the movie Stargate came out I loved it. I was about 17, so perhaps I was easily impressed at the time but having recently rewatched it, I still think it stands up. When the TV show spin-off first aired I was very disappointed and abandoned it after only a few episodes. This turned out […]
So You Think You Can Look Hot While Dancing Shirtless Canada
Well done costumers. Nico should always be topless. So far my fave dancers are Lisa, Allie and the aforementioned Shirtless Angel of Crimped Mohawk Hotness. I also kinda like Izaak even though the judges keep shitting all over him. Perhaps partly because of that. Although I think it’s mostly his cute awkwardness that I find […]
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