Jul 25

Best Worst Movie

Category: Fantasia,Reviews

Apparently the worst movie in the world is Troll 2.  It has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB.  But it’s soooo bad that it has inevitably swung back to awesome and has become a cult classic.  So of course the kid who starred in it decided to make a documentary about it and the results are hilarious and sometimes sad. 

 Not on the same calibre as King of Kong or American Movie but still good times.


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Jul 25

Sans Desseins

Category: Fantasia,Reviews

This low-budget Quebecois effort is about a guy who is visited by his own ghost from the future.  It’s an original idea and genuinely amusing throughout.  I was consistently entertained right up until the point where they have a rape scene played for laughs.  Umm… the fuck?  Not cool dude, not cool.  It took me a while to get over that but I forced myself to give the rest of the story a chance.  There were a few more questionable scenes but overall it’s a fun romp.  I would have given it 3 niqueheads if not for the rape.  As it stands, 2 niqueheads.


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Jul 24

The Children

Category: Fantasia,Reviews

It’s hard to do horror well but making kids the bad guys helps because killer kids are inherently creepy.  And a willingness to follow through with the logical consequences of having a bunch of psycho kids on your hands helps this movie rise to the level of effective and genuinely scary horror. 

I’m not easily scared but I think the average joe would be legitimately freaked out by this movie and those of us who aren’t quite so susceptible to frightening suggestions will still feel stressed and excited enough to enjoy the ride.

Oftentimes with horror movies we yell at the screen, wishing the characters would wise up and realize what it going on.  Wishing they would act intelligently and not be so oblivious and stupid.  Well, in The Children I’m happy to report the characters act pretty much as I think real people would.  All the characters have differing reactions but they are all valid and believable.  And there’s even a little message to glean about childhood, adolescence and adulthood.  Good stuff.  Good times.  Rock on.


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Jul 24

My Dear Enemy

Category: Fantasia,Reviews

This South Korean movie would have to be classified as a romantic comedy but only because it can’t really be classified as anything else.  But it’s not about a couple falling in love; it’s about a woman learning to understand a man and have sympathy and affection for him in spite of who he is.  It’s very low-key and contemplative.  Quite enjoyable.

And I LOVE the ending.



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